
Climate Champion Annel Hernandez Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award.

Climate Champion Annel Hernandez Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award.

Rachel’s Network announced that it has awarded climate champion Annel Hernandez with its inaugural Catalyst Award. As associate director of the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance and member of the NY Renews coalition, Annel was one of the key players in the passage of New York’s new climate law passed in July 2019, the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

Tribal Attorney Tara Houska Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Tribal Attorney Tara Houska Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Rachel’s Network announced that it has awarded tribal attorney Tara Houska with its inaugural Catalyst Award. Tara (Couchiching First Nation Anishinaabe) is former campaigns director of Honor the Earth, former advisor on Native American affairs to Bernie Sanders, and founder of Giniw collective, a grassroots, frontlines effort led by indigenous women to protect Anishinaabe territory from the destruction of Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands project.

Environmental Justice Advocate Juliana Pino Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Environmental Justice Advocate Juliana Pino Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Rachel’s Network announced that it has awarded environmental justice advocate Juliana Pino with its inaugural Catalyst Award. Juliana is policy director at the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO), a community-based frontline group that organizes for environmental justice and self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families. She was lead negotiator for low-income programs in the 2016 Illinois Future Energy Jobs Act, the most transformative piece of energy system legislation in the state’s history.

Environmental Policy Leader Brionté McCorkle Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Environmental Policy Leader Brionté McCorkle Wins Inaugural Rachel’s Network Catalyst Award

Rachel’s Network announced that it has awarded environmental policy leader Brionté McCorkle with its inaugural Catalyst Award. Brionté is the director of Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV) where she works to elect pro-environment candidates and hold elected officials accountable. In 2014, Brionté led the Georgia Sierra Club’s successful effort to expand Atlanta’s transit system.