Rachel’s Network announced that it has awarded environmental policy leader Brionté McCorkle with its inaugural Catalyst Award. Brionté is the director of Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV) where she works to elect pro-environment candidates and hold elected officials accountable. In 2014, Brionté led the Georgia Sierra Club’s successful effort to expand Atlanta’s transit system.
More than 10 years ago, a dozen distinguished, retired three- and four-star generals and admirals came together to study the projected impacts of climate change on our infrastructure and national security. Cheryl Rosenblum, executive director of the CNA Military Advisory Board, shares their findings.
With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas (and growing), addressing sustainability in our cities is a crucial undertaking. One city facing this challenge head-on is Portland, Oregon. From its renowned bike culture and green buildings, to its park system and green infrastructure, the city serves as a showcase for innovation in sustainable planning. Rachel’s Network traveled there in October for our Fall Retreat to hear from experts on the exciting solutions being developed in the region.
Member Abigail Rome believes Car Free Day can do even more for those of us ready to aspire to loftier goals. Taking a car-free pledge offers an opportunity to consider not only how and when we use our automobiles, but also how we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb climate change on a much larger scale.