
The Climate Change Threat to Global and National Security

The Climate Change Threat to Global and National Security

More than 10 years ago, a dozen distinguished, retired three- and four-star generals and admirals came together to study the projected impacts of climate change on our infrastructure and national security. Cheryl Rosenblum, executive director of the CNA Military Advisory Board, shares their findings.

What Does Garbage Have to Do With Family Planning?

What Does Garbage Have to Do With Family Planning?

225 million women in developing countries simply want to avoid getting pregnant but face barriers accessing something that costs on average $25/per person per year to deliver. Seema Jalan, executive director of the Universal Access Project and Policy at the United Nations Foundation, explains how family planning services have allowed one man in Uganda to pursue his gift for environmental entrepreneurship, creating positive ripple effects in his community.

Stand with Planned Parenthood

Stand with Planned Parenthood

No group does more to reduce unintended pregnancy than Planned Parenthood, says Rachel’s Network Member Janet Miller. Anyone who believes in providing women with high-quality reproductive health care — and who supports eliminating the need for abortion in the first place — should insist that Planned Parenthood remain funded.

Reflecting on World Population Day with Janet Miller

Reflecting on World Population Day with Janet Miller

In 1987 the UN designated July 11th World Population Day to build awareness of the impact population has on development and the environment. As of this writing, the world population is estimated to be 7.239 billion. Roughly 40% is under the age of 25. The UN estimates we will grow to 9.5 billion by 2050. We are at a critical moment in history. If population growth continues as projected, living conditions will become bleaker; and water, food and land will become scarcer.