
Conserving Water One Farm at a Time, One Million Strong

Conserving Water One Farm at a Time, One Million Strong

The agricultural sector is the single largest user of water, representing 70 percent of global freshwater withdrawals and up to 90 percent of national water use in some countries. An estimated 40-60 percent of that water is wasted through inefficient irrigation systems and other substandard practices. To address this, the Rainforest Alliance helped to create the Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN), an international body that manages a comprehensive sustainability certification program for more than one million farms.

Top 10 Water Documentaries

Top 10 Water Documentaries

Humanity is at a crossroads when it comes to water. More severe droughts and floods as well as growing demands on our water supply are forcing us to rethink how we manage this vital resource. Much of this soul searching has been spawned by thoughtful documentaries like those listed below. As Rachel’s Network champions solutions to water challenges in Milwaukee for our Fall Retreat , watch these great films and get inspired to act.

Fracking’s Water Impact

Fracking’s Water Impact

Sucking oil and gas from dense shale formations involves drilling, explosions, toxic chemicals, and millions of gallons of water pumped at crushing pressures. Drillers maintain that these processes are well understood and tightly controlled and take place far below groundwater supplies. But ultimately the safety and quality of a well is dependent on the operator, the particularities of each site, local regulations and politics, and many other details. As water constitutes the largest component of fracking fluid by far, it is not surprising that questions about the quantity and quality of water used by drillers have been contentious.

Getting Smart About Water and Energy

Getting Smart About Water and Energy

Until recently, water has been one of the ignored components of power generation, but that’s changing. In 2013, the World Bank launched its Thirsty Energy program to develop solutions to electricity demands on global water supplies. The U.S. Department of Energy followed suit by releasing a similar initiative in 2014. Now that we see the connections between water and energy, let’s work with utilities and governments to build an integrated, resilient, and sustainable system that safeguards our resources.

Water is Life: Supporting the Clean Water Act

Water is Life: Supporting the Clean Water Act

2014 has been a year of water-related disasters, forcing us to think about the resources most of us take for granted every day. Our waterways are critically important to our health and our way of life, and it’s clear we have to do more, not less, to protect the rivers, lakes and bays we love and depend on. Fortunately, we have a law designed to protect our waterways: the Clean Water Act.