
The Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste

The Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste

Last year, Rachel’s Network Member Betsy Fink and her husband Jesse approached like-minded philanthropists to launch ReFED: “Rethinking Food Waste through Economics and Data: A Roadmap to Reduce Food Waste”. The economic analysis and research they undertook revealed exciting news: Food waste is a solvable problem. Their new report maps a path for action.

Battling Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

Battling Plastic Pollution in the Oceans

While much has been written on this vast stretch of plastic soup in the ocean, we know relatively little about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and its impacts on the ecosystem. The recent Mega Expedition hopes to give researchers a better picture of the problem and what we could do to solve it. In the meantime, Rachel’s Network members are supporting the organizations that are fighting plastic pollution at the source and developing more sustainable packaging and supply chains.

How Family Forests Can Fight Climate Change

How Family Forests Can Fight Climate Change

Family forest owners, who care for more than one-third of the nation’s forests, can see the effects of climate change on their land firsthand: they’re seeing changes in growing cycles, extreme rainfall variations, increased insect and disease infestations, and uncontrollable wildfires, among other impacts. Despite these threats, forests are also an important part of the solution to climate change. Tom Martin, president and CEO of the American Forest Foundation, explains how family forest owners can help solve this great challenge.

Sustainable Agriculture Depends on Women

Sustainable Agriculture Depends on Women

It’s inspiring to see a woman-led business increasing livelihoods for women farmers and employees in parts of the world that markets struggle to reach. It’s even more powerful when that business does so while having a positive impact on the environment. Root Capital is investing in those kinds of businesses – high-impact, gender-inclusive, and focused on agriculture. Root Capital’s Senior Vice President of Investor Relations & Operations Catherine Gill talks about ways we can encourage and support women farmers.

Let’s Talk About Climate Solutions

Let’s Talk About Climate Solutions

Here’s what we know about climate change: 97 percent of climate scientists are convinced, based upon the evidence, that human-caused global warming is happening. When they see no solution, people just don’t want to think about it. But when an effective solution is possible, opinions change quickly. Through Citizens Climate Lobby, Marianne Gabel is holding respectful discussions based on common values to help Congress find the way to a cooler, livable world.