
We Must Quit Coal Before Coal Quits Us

We Must Quit Coal Before Coal Quits Us

Powering 33 percent of our nation’s electricity, coal is a foundation to our lifestyles and industries. But Rachel’s Network Member Anne Butterfield shows that the nation is running out of its affordable, profitable supply. It’s time for the utility industry to stop taking coal for granted.

The Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste

The Roadmap to Reduce US Food Waste

Last year, Rachel’s Network Member Betsy Fink and her husband Jesse approached like-minded philanthropists to launch ReFED: “Rethinking Food Waste through Economics and Data: A Roadmap to Reduce Food Waste”. The economic analysis and research they undertook revealed exciting news: Food waste is a solvable problem. Their new report maps a path for action.

Investing in Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals

Investing in Safer Alternatives to Toxic Chemicals

We aren’t effective health and environment donors if we aren’t also supporting the innovation and commercialization of truly safer alternatives to toxic chemicals. To address this situation, Rachel’s Network Member Alison Carlson and her Forsythia Foundation studied how to invest in scaling green chemistry solutions—also known as “benign by design” solutions or safer alternatives. Thus, Safer Made was born.

Fires Burn Again in Indonesia

Fires Burn Again in Indonesia

The recent Indonesian forest fires have been called the worst disaster in 20 years – for people, for wildlife, for Borneo’s rich rainforest, and for the Earth. Rachel’s Network Member Caroline Gabel writes about how she’s worked with a small nonprofit in nearby Malaysia to develop alternative economies that could serve as a model for Indonesia, where human activities are wreaking havoc on the forest.

The Power of Music with Sarah duPont

The Power of Music with Sarah duPont

Since the beginning of time, music has been a catalyst for change. Today, music is linked to academic achievement, social and emotional development, civic engagement, and equitable opportunity. Rachel’s Network Member Sarah duPont is using music and the arts as a positive force in Benin and the Amazon Rainforest.