
Reproductive Rights Protect Women and the Planet

Reproductive Rights Protect Women and the Planet

On April 11th a group of Rachel’s Network members had the opportunity to hear remarks from John Podesta of the Center for American Progress on “Women’s rights issues are climate change issues.” The evidence is clear: voluntary family planning empowers women, improves health and resilience, and ultimately reduces the human footprint on the planet.

Q&A with Member Elena Marszalek

Q&A with Member Elena Marszalek

Women join Rachel’s Network for all kinds of reasons: for ideas, for support, for access to leading environmental thinkers. Member Elena Marszalek joined the Network in 2015 seeking peers and mentors to help her along her journey as Director of Del Mar Global Trust. We asked Elena about her experience with the Network.

Supporting Friendly, Common Sense Sex Education with AMAZE

Supporting Friendly, Common Sense Sex Education with AMAZE

AMAZE is harnessing the power of digital media to provide children, young adolescents, their parents, and educators with medically accurate, affirming, and honest sexual health and peer relationship information that can be accessed anytime, anywhere—regardless of where they live or what school they attend.