
Rachel’s Network Provides Grant to Tompkins Conservation for Rewilding in Southern Chile

Rachel’s Network Provides Grant to Tompkins Conservation for Rewilding in Southern Chile

In 2019, Tompkins Conservation donated one million acres to Chile to help establish 10 million acres of new national parks in the country. Rachel’s Network traveled to Chile earlier this year to meet Tompkins Conservation staff, including president and co-founder Kristine Tompkins, and visit two of the new parks – Pumalín and Patagonia. The trip left an impression on members who subsequently provided a grant to Tompkins to support their continued conservation work.

Rachel’s Network Learns About Borderlands Issues in Arizona and Mexico

Rachel’s Network Learns About Borderlands Issues in Arizona and Mexico

Rachel’s Network has been helping mobilize efforts to fight the US-Mexico border wall, and supporting coalition-building and education through the Sierra Club. Diana Hadley, who chairs our Borderlands Working Group, lives in Tucson and planned a three-day event with grassroots leaders working for fairer outcomes for immigrant populations and safer, healthier environments for border communities.

Rachel’s Network Explores Innovation and Restoration in Colorado

Rachel’s Network Explores Innovation and Restoration in Colorado

Rachel’s Network has strong roots in Colorado. Home to over a dozen of our members, beautiful national parks, innovative research institutions, and a culture of environmentalism, it was the perfect place for our Fall Retreat after over a decade’s absence. Here’s a summary of our visit and what we learned.

Rachel’s Network Champions Resilience in the Everglades

Rachel’s Network Champions Resilience in the Everglades

What does it take to be resilient in challenging times? That’s the question we posed on our trip to South Florida for our Annual Meeting in March. The region has a fraught past when it comes to environmental protection, but advocates and conservationists are making progress, and Rachel’s Network was there to learn about and celebrate their efforts.